Wednesday, 24 October 2007

My Trip... to Nowhere - Chapter Four

My mind started racing. Shall I open the door? Or shall I hide somewhere...? I frantically looked around the room. There was no where to hide...

Knock. Knock. Knock.

I took a deep breath, and stood up. I faced the doors.


The knocks were getting impatient. I took another deep breath, and said clearly,

"Come in."

The doors opened, and I felt my jaw drop. No... this can't be. I must be hullucinating. I blinked rapidly. Then I peered at the person at the doorway. No, I am not hullicinating. My mind went completely blank for several minutes. The person smiled at me. Smiling my smile.

"I've been wanting to meet you for so long. Well, meeting my Other-Half of course." He said.

I stayed staring at him, completely dumbfounded. This must be some kind of sick joke. I wanted to do something. To grab that lamp on that table near me, and whack him on the head, then run - where? I have no idea where I am, and let alone know how to get out of this place. Besides... that is an insane idea. I must be pretty desperate. There might be more people outside, waiting for me. I must keep my cool. I got a grip of myself, and took a shaky step backwards.

"This m-must be some k-k-kinda joke." I managed to stammer out.

"Joke?" He asked. He frowned in confusion. The way I frowned in my confusion. "I understand the meaning of 'joke' is when someone says something funny, and everybody laugh. I am not laughing. What is the joke, Tom?"

I stared at this person. At me. How did he know my name? This person... clone... thing... can't be real. Then I started to laugh - nervously.

"Alright... whoever is behind this, very funny. Come out." I said. "Where am I, and how did you do all of this? How did you make that U.F.O thing appear in the sky? Was it some kind of illusion?" I demanded.

I waited.

He waited.

Nothing happened.

"Answer me!" I shouted.

He took a step forwards. "May I ask who -"

"Stay away from me!" I yelled, staggering backwards. I'm already freaking out at this... joke.

He stopped, with a puzzled expression on his face. My face.

"Have I done something wrong...?" He asked, with a hurt look on his face. "I only came to assist you."

Then something hit me. I realized. He... me, whatever he is, really didn't know what I was on about - as I had no idea what he was on about. I peered at him, taking one step forwards.

"Are you... me?" I asked cautiously.

"Well, you can say that. But the appropriate term of me to you is your 'Other-Half.'"

I paused. "You're my... Other-Half...?" I asked. Now I was frowning in confusion. What the hell was he on about? I decided to go with the flow.

He nodded, smiling in a friendly fashion.

"Where do you come from?" I asked slowly, taking a small step forwards again.

"For that to be answered, I shall need you to follow me Tom." He gestured pass the doorway, and smiled at me again. "And I am sure you have other questions on your mind."

I stood there, my heart thumping. Shall I follow this... 'Other-Half' of mine?


3 Readers on the hill:

Da Winged Acrophobic said...

Keep it going. We're waiting.

phantom said...

Hehehe. I hate to guess the ending, but go on i'm listening.

Redhead said...

da winged acrophobic - welcome to my blog. ;)

phantom - Welcome to my blog as well. ;) I don't think I like the ending as much either... hehe.